


TED Talksとは、あらゆる分野のエキスパートたちによるプレゼンテーションを無料で視聴できる動画配信サービスのことです。10年ほど前にサービスが開始されてから、政治、心理学、経済、日常生活などの幅広いコンテンツが視聴できることから人気を集めています。

RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



もし育児を本物の仕事のように取り上げたらどうでしょう? ポッドキャストで配信をしCEOでもあるアンジェラ・ガーブスが、働く家族がどのような進化をしてきて、企業はしてきていないのかを語ります。そして親たちが、同僚や職場から、本当に必要としていることが何なのか、洞察を示してくれます(約5分)。Angela Garbes / What working parents really need from workplaces









Care is really the backbone of our society. That work is what makes all other work possible.


[PR]まずは無料カウンセリング”続けるため”の オンライン英語コーチ「スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング」





You know, at some point in your life, someone that you love and care about is going to need help. You should have the right to take time to take care of them.


自覚が爆上がり!―父親の育児休業が誰にとっても有益な理由(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】松尾ポスト脩平:父親の育児休業が誰にとっても有益な理由/父親の育児休業は、父親や配偶者や赤ちゃんにとって多くの利点があります。7か月間の育児休業で人生観が変わった文筆家の松尾ポスト脩平が、育児で学んだことを紹介してくれます(約6分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...




Asking a coworker about how things are going at home or with their kid, making people feel like they don’t have to hide that.


最良の選択とは?―新米の親が仕事復帰前に考えるべき3つのこと(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】エミリー・オスター:新米の親が仕事復帰前に考えるべき3つのこと/子どもが産まれた後、仕事に復帰すべきか? 3つの要素を熟考すれば、親たちはより楽に決断できる、と作家で経済学者のエミリー・オスターは言います(約5分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...





As opposed to tracking time in a traditional way, and opening up the lines of communication around that can be really beneficial. Letting a coworker know that you have their back.


ポイントは2つ!―共働きカップルが支え合うベストな方法(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】ジェニファー・ペトリグリエリ:共働きカップルが支え合うベストな方法/キャリアと結婚を「両立させる」ことはじつは可能です。二人がそれぞれの望みを犠牲にすることなく、上手く選択をする方法を説明します(約4分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...




But we need to talk about these things and bring parenting and family life out into the open, because we can’t fix problems that we don’t see. We can’t fix problems that we don’t talk about.



Every parent is a working parent, whether they have a job outside of the home or not.

When Angela shows up at the office, know that Angela has been up for at least three hours, had her hand covered in human excrement, unwedged a small person who has become lodged in between the washing machine and the wall, gotten down on her hands and knees and picked up oatmeal off the carpet.


Domestic labor, which is what parenting is and everything that goes along with parenting, it’s not just taking care of a child; it’s keeping a household running, washing dishes, doing laundry, it’s keeping the schedule tight. We again assume that that work will be done by a wife who’s at home.

The reality has progressed beyond where we’re at policy-wise. Most people need multiple sources of income, women want to work outside of the home — we’re still expected to do all of the same things. And so now we outsource a lot of that parenting work to other women, and mainly women of color. We don’t give it financial, cultural value, and so we don’t see it as real work.

Care is really the backbone of our society. That work is what makes all other work possible. So how should we support parents in the workplace?

There are only two industrialized countries in the entire world that don’t guarantee some paid family leave, and the United States is one of them. We should be envying Ghana, Brazil, Turkey, Serbia, Japan, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden — we’re lagging behind the world on this. When I say paid family leave, I’m not talking about necessarily just newborn maternity leave. That includes paternity leave, all genders, families that are adopting and welcoming a new child into their home, people bringing foster children into their home, taking care of aging parents. You know, at some point in your life, someone that you love and care about is going to need help. You should have the right to take time to take care of them. People do their best work when they feel seen and supported by the people that they work for. It’s pretty simple.

Being a parent is often seen as a weakness in the workplace. You come back and people make a lot of assumptions about you. You’re not invited to go on work trips because assumptions are made that you don’t want to do that, or you can’t. And that can be really disempowering to people, and it’s really discouraging and it makes them — in a period of time that’s already stressful — can make you feel even worse.

Asking a coworker about how things are going at home or with their kid, making people feel like they don’t have to hide that. “What’s up with your two-year-old?” Ask to see a picture of their child.

For parents, the hours between 5-8pm are really crucial. It’s sometimes the only time you really have with your kids. You’re often running to pick them up somewhere or to relieve someone from doing childcare. I would much rather send a few emails at 8:30pm than be on a call at 5pm. And so I think emphasizing and creating a culture of work where it’s the work that gets done, the work is what matters, the end result is what matters, as opposed to tracking time in a traditional way, and opening up the lines of communication around that can be really beneficial. Letting a coworker know that you have their back if they want to say that 4:45 doesn’t work for them as a meeting time, that you’ll step in and say that you can’t do it either, right? Just something to show solidarity.

One other thing, as a former breastfeeding mother in an office place — a pumping mother — I should say that if you want to clean out your office fridge every now and then, that is a really beautiful thing to do for a pumping mother, because I used to do that in my office. I would put my little cooler that had breast milk amid like year-old bottles of salad dressing, pad thai that had become petrified, just gross stuff. And no one should have to do that, right? Again, a very, very small thing that makes a big difference in someone’s life.

In striving to be as efficient as possible, as achieving, as productive as possible, we’ve drifted away from this notion of care and parenting being important work. But we need to talk about these things and bring parenting and family life out into the open, because we can’t fix problems that we don’t see. We can’t fix problems that we don’t talk about. It really doesn’t have to be this hard and we can do much more to support people.


短いTEDのおすすめ10選 5分でやる気UP!【仕事編】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、5分でやる気がUPする短いTEDのおすすめ仕事術10選+αを、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...
短いTEDのおすすめ10選 5分でやる気UP!【仕事編・2】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、5分でやる気がUPする短いTEDのおすすめ仕事術10選を、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...

\ ほかにも気になるトークが満載! /

TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...