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RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



仕事ではよく交渉をすることになります。例えば昇給や、昇進、休暇を得るために。そして戦いのように臨みがちです。でも交渉ですべきなのは優位を取ろうとすることではなく、関係を構築し、自分と相手の要求について理解することなのだと、組織心理学者のルチ・シンハは言います。彼女の挙げる3項目が、この必須のスキルを身につける役に立つことでしょう(約5分)。Ruchi Sinha / 3 steps to getting what you want in a negotiation.





And relationships thrive when we find ways to give and to take and move together in unison. And to do that, you have to be well prepared.


[PR]まずは無料カウンセリング”続けるため”の オンライン英語コーチ「スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング」


相手と交渉をする前に、まず事前準備が必要です。仕事の事前準備の大切さを表す格言として、「段取り8分(ぶ)、仕事2分」という言葉があります。 事前にきちんとした段取りさえしておけば、仕事の8割方は完了したということです。 仕事に取りかかる前に、まずは具体的に仕事を進める手順をきっちりと決めておきましょう。

  1. 自分の要求は現実的か
  2. 欲しいものはなにか
  3. 譲れないものはなにか



This might seem obvious, but too many people don’t think it through.





  1. 防衛的悲観の態度を取る
  2. 感情を切り離す



Go in knowing that your request might be met, that it might be denied, and that none of this is a measure of your worth.






When you make that request, look to balance assertiveness about your own needs with a concern for the other.






So it’s important to listen well, to ask why and why not? And you will surely find unexpected opportunities for win-win solutions.



When we think about negotiations, we think about being tough. We charge in like it’s a battle, brandishing our influence and our power moves. But a negotiation doesn’t have to be a fight with winners and losers. Think of it more like a dance, two or more people moving fluidly in sync.


We constantly negotiate at work. We negotiate for higher pay, promotions, vacations and even greater autonomy. In fact, every day we negotiate just to get our job done and to secure resources for ourselves and our teams. And yet when we go in with the wrong mindset, with a fist up ready to fight, we aren’t as successful. You know why? Because negotiation is not about dominating. It’s about crafting a relationship. And relationships thrive when we find ways to give and to take and move together in unison. And to do that, you have to be well prepared.

First, do your research. Figure out whether what you’re asking for is realistic. What is your aspiration? What do you want, and what will make you walk away from the table? This might seem obvious, but too many people don’t think it through. Let’s say you’re negotiating for a salary in a new job. Some people, they determine they ask based on their past salary. That isn’t a good yardstick. You may end up asking for too much or too little. Instead, find out the range of what is possible. Look at industrial reports, websites. Talk to people in your professional network to find out the lowest, average and the highest salary for a similar role, and then make your ask closer to that upper limit. Build a solid rationale for why you are above average and thus deserving of that ask.

Let’s say you’re negotiating for something less black and white, like the ability to work from home to care for an aging parent. You need to study your company’s policies on remote work. Ask yourself when and why were these policies developed in the first place? Talk to trusted mentors to understand how working from home might affect issues that aren’t on your radar. And think about how changing to working from home might actually affect others in your team. In fact, make a table summarizing the parts of your job that can be done remotely and the parts that require face-to-face interaction. This may sound like a lot to do, but when the person you’re negotiating with sees that you’ve done all this homework, you’re more likely to get that “yes.” It also helps you avoid being lied to while building the person’s respect.

Second, prepare mentally for the negotiation. Asking for things can get emotional. There are real and complex feelings at play: fear, anxiety, anger, even hurt. It’s essential to have strategies in place to manage those feelings. One strategy is to adopt a mindset of defensive pessimism. That just means that you accept obstacles and failures are likely in a negotiation. So it’s better to put your energy in imagining the ways to overcome those obstacles. That way, you’re ready to respond when you face it. Another strategy is emotional distancing. That is the idea of being less attached to any specific outcome. I know it’s easier said than done. We all feel emotions like anger and hurt when our core identities are being threatened. When your manager may be challenging a truth that you hold dear about yourself, like you’re a hard worker and you deserve this, try and avoid thinking of negotiations as the ultimate test of your worth. Go in knowing that your request might be met, that it might be denied, and that none of this is a measure of your worth. Also know that if you feel yourself getting upset, hurt during a negotiation, it’s OK to step back. You can leave the dance floor and move up to the balcony. Just say, “Let me think about this a little more. Could we press pause and continue this tomorrow?”

The third and the final way you can prepare for negotiations is by putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Taking the time to anticipate the other’s needs and challenges. What pressures may they be under? What risks would they be taking? Do they even have the power to give you what you’re asking for? What ripple effects might a “yes” mean? When you make that request, look to balance assertiveness about your own needs with a concern for the other. As you lay out your case, use phrases like, “I’m asking for this because I know it’s good for my team. That I want to achieve X and Y goals, and I know this is what will enable it.” Arguments like that show that you are ambitious, you know what you want, but you also care for others.

So many of our negotiation missteps, they don’t actually come from disagreements but misunderstanding the other person. So it’s important to listen well, to ask why and why not? And you will surely find unexpected opportunities for win-win solutions.


短いTEDのおすすめ10選 5分でやる気UP!【仕事編】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、5分でやる気がUPする短いTEDのおすすめ仕事術10選+αを、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...
短いTEDのおすすめ10選 5分でやる気UP!【仕事編・2】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、5分でやる気がUPする短いTEDのおすすめ仕事術10選を、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...

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TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...