


TED Talksとは、あらゆる分野のエキスパートたちによるプレゼンテーションを無料で視聴できる動画配信サービスのことです。10年ほど前にサービスが開始されてから、政治、心理学、経済、日常生活などの幅広いコンテンツが視聴できることから人気を集めています。

RareJob English Lab




スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング



どんな身体技能でもマスターするには練習が必要です。練習とは、上達するという目標をもってある行動を繰り返すことで、練習によってより簡単に、素早く、自信をもってできるようになるのです。でも実際のところ、物事の上達のために、練習はどんな働きをするのでしょう?アニー・ボスラーとドン・グリーンが、練習が脳内の活動にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを説明します(約4分半)。Annie Bosler & Don Greene / How to practice effectively…for just about anything.



私たちはなにかを習得しようとする時、なるべく無駄がなく、出来れば効果的に、しかも短期間で、可能な限り楽に身に着けたいと思っています。いまはネット社会なので、なにかを習得しようとしたときに、検索画面で『●● コツ 最短』と入力する人も多いのではないでしょうか。



  • 灰白質―脳内の情報を処理して、信号や感覚刺激を神経細胞に伝達
  • 白質―脂肪組織と神経繊維からできている




So while many athletes and performers attribute their successes
to muscle memory, muscles themselves don’t really have memory.

Rather, it may be the myelination of neural pathways that gives these athletes and performers their edge with faster and more efficient neural pathways.


足を引っ張っているのは誰?―あなたに夢の仕事ができない理由(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】ラリー・スミス: あなたに夢の仕事ができない理由/情熱を追えない人が口にするくだらない言い訳を、ジョークを交えつつ率直な口調で、ラリー・スミスがバッサリ斬ります(約15分)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...


[PR]まずは無料カウンセリング”続けるため”の オンライン英語コーチ「スピークバディ パーソナルコーチング」




  1. 一貫性があり
  2. しっかり集中して行われ
  3. その人の現在の能力ぎりぎりの内容や弱点に狙いを絞ったもの


Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one’s current abilities.



  • パソコンやテレビを消す
  • スマートフォンは機内モードにする
  • 部屋を綺麗にする







Start out slowly or in slow-motion.

Coordination is built with repetitions, whether correct or incorrect. If you gradually increase the speed of the quality repetitons, you have a better chance of doing them correctly.





研究によると 多くのトップ選手や音楽家、ダンサーは、自分の技能に関係する活動に週あたり50~60時間を費やしています。


Studies have shown that many top athletes, musicians, and dancers spend 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft.

Many divide their time used for effective practice into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration.

その日その時に思い立ったことを、適当な時間で毎日バラバラに行っていては、上達できるものもなかなか上達しません。すべらない話で有名な声優の若本規夫さんも、80歳に近い年齢になった今も、声を維持するために毎朝5時に起きて3時間練習しています(若本規夫のすべらない話 [ 若本規夫 ]より)。第一線で活躍する人たちには、それぞれ不断の努力を積み重ています。






It’s a bit surprising, but a number of studies suggest that once a physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced just by imagining it.



Mastering any physical skill, be it performing a pirouette, playing an instrument, or throwing a baseball, takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence.


So what does practice do in our brains to make us better at things? Our brains have two kinds of neural tissue: grey matter and white matter. The grey matter processes information in the brain, directing signals and sensory stimuli to nerve cells, while white matter is mostly made up of fatty tissue and nerve fibers. In order for our bodies to move, information needs to travel from the brain’s grey matter, down the spinal cord, through a chain of nerve fibers called axons to our muscles. So how does practice or repetition affect the inner workings of our brains? The axons that exist in the white matter are wrapped with a fatty substance called myelin. And it’s this myelin covering, or sheath, that seems to change with practice. Myelin is similar to insulation on electrical cables. It prevents energy loss from electrical signals that the brain uses, moving them more efficiently along neural pathways.

Some recent studies in mice suggest that the repetition of a physical motion increases the layers of myelin sheath that insulates the axons. And the more layers, the greater the insulation around the axon chains, forming a sort of superhighway for information connecting your brain to your muscles. So while many athletes and performers attribute their successes to muscle memory, muscles themselves don’t really have memory. Rather, it may be the myelination of neural pathways that gives these athletes and performers their edge with faster and more efficient neural pathways.

There are many theories that attempt to quantify the number of hours, days, and even years of practice that it takes to master a skill. While we don’t yet have a magic number, we do know that mastery isn’t simply about the amount of hours of practice. It’s also the quality and effectiveness of that practice. Effective practice is consistent, intensely focused, and targets content or weaknesses that lie at the edge of one’s current abilities. So if effective practice is the key, how can we get the most out of our practice time?

Try these tips.

Focus on the task at hand. Minimize potential distractions by turning off the computer or TV and putting your cell phone on airplane mode. In one study, researchers observed 260 students studying. On average, those students were able to stay on task for only six minutes at a time. Laptops, smartphones, and particularly Facebook were the root of most distractions.

Start out slowly or in slow-motion. Coordination is built with repetitions, whether correct or incorrect. If you gradually increase the speed of the quality repetitons, you have a better chance of doing them correctly. Next, frequent repetitions with allotted breaks are common practice habits of elite performers.

Studies have shown that many top athletes, musicians, and dancers spend 50-60 hours per week on activities related to their craft. Many divide their time used for effective practice into multiple daily practice sessions of limited duration. And finally, practice in your brain in vivid detail.

It’s a bit surprising, but a number of studies suggest that once a physical motion has been established, it can be reinforced just by imagining it. In one study, 144 basketball players were divided into two groups. Group A physically practiced one-handed free throws while Group B only mentally practiced them. When they were tested at the end of the two week experiment, the intermediate and experienced players in both groups had improved by nearly the same amount.

As scientists get closer to unraveling the secrets of our brains, our understanding of effective practice will only improve. In the meantime, effective practice is the best way we have of pushing our individual limits, achieving new heights, and maximizing our potential.


Let's challenge!―自分にとって大切なことがもっと上達する方法(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】エドアルド・ブリセーニョ: 自分にとって大切なことがもっと上達する方法/なぜか上達しないことがありませんか?彼が提案する効果的な方法にならえば、学習し続け、常に進歩していると感じることができるでしょう(約11分半)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...
信じる力は鍛えることが出来る!―自信というスキル(TED)【TED 紹介・解説】自信というスキル:アイヴァン・ジョーゼフ /スポーツに限らず、人生において一番大切なスキルは自信なのだと博士は言います(約13分半)。そんなトークの詳細を紹介します。...
10分で意識改革!TEDのおすすめ動画10選【脳科学編】【TED 紹介・解説】TEDは4000を超える膨大な数の動画があります。しかし慣れないうちは、動画の探し方や視聴のコツが分かりませんよね。この記事では、見ると誰かに言いたくなるTEDのおすすめ動画10選【脳科学編】を、あらすじと一緒に紹介します。...

\ ほかにも気になるトークが満載! /

TEDまとめ(1):エキスパートたちが贈る極上のメッセージ ライフハックとしてではなく、英語学習にも極めて有用なのが、著名人が10分程度のプレゼンを行うTEDです。 TED Talksと...